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Re: qmail-src (was RFC: New source packaging format)

On Oct 29, Philip Hands <phil@hands.com> wrote:
[Please don't Cc me]

 >As I've mentioned elsewhere, I'll be using procmail to provide dotlocking.
Looks like a good idea, but you wil have to specify that *very* prominently,
otherwise people will lose mail.
Please source the default delivery method from some file like /etc/qmail/...
and run procmail with this command line:

| preline procmail ${EXT:+-a $EXT}

You should also add .forward support, you could package the program in
the same package with qmail and qmsmac.

 >> This is a directory full of configuration files!
 >Except that it tends to get mailing lists in it as well if you use ezmlm, 
This is a bug of ezmlm, not of qmail.
 >which do not really fit under /etc.  Putting it under /home might help to 
 >remind people that qmail treats it almost exactly like any other user.
I don't think this is a valid point. ~alias should go in /etc because it
contains configuration data which have (at least on my sysyem) a different
backup priority than user data.

 >I would be unhappy with ~alias being /etc/qmail/alias and then getting the 
 >archives of all my mailing lists ending up on my root partition --- what do 
 >others think ?
I would be unhappy too, and I would go fixing my software...

 >is split I'll do what I think (which is that /var/qmail should exist in some 
 >form so as not to confuse non-debian qmail users), and then people can submit 
I agree, but it should contains symlinks only .


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