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installing drivers floppy

Dear Sirs,

To whomsoever might have a clue, I'm stuck in the installation of Debian
right @ the point where it asks for the drivers floppy. 

The install was going very smooth, no speedbumps and then it asked for
the disk. Remembering that I forgot to put the file drv1440.bin on a
floppy, I exited the install and returned to Windows explorer. I have a
copy in a folder on C; but when I went to copy to floppy(and this is the
weird part) explorer says " file is too large for destination drive, try
a higher capacity disk." What?!? 

One thing I did notice is the free space of my blank formatted floppy is
1.38Mb. Shouldn't it be 1.44Mb? The rescue file copied just fine to disk
and explorer says the file is 1.4 just like drv14440.bin.

This has me rather disappointed and frusterated; so close and yet so far
from Windows freedom!

Thank you for your attention to this matter,

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