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Uploading Japanese Debian packages


I apologize for taking so long to get back to you.

All Japanese Debian packages should be uploaded to master.debian.org .
Their Japanese maintainers should communicate with the English maintainers,
so that the English maintainers know how to reach them if there are any
problems. They may wish to use an intermediary who is good at English for
this communication.

It is not necessary for maintainers of those packages
to register with the "English" Debian project, however they should
be listed as the maintainer in the control file of the package, so that
messages from our bug reporting system will be delivered to them.

Someone who is registered should upload the packages, and should
PGP-sign the .changes files so that the upload software handles them
correctly. Guy Maor <maor@debian.org> is in charge of the
master.debian.org FTP archive, please cooperate with him if he has any

	Many Thanks

	Bruce Perens
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Bruce Perens K6BP   bruce@debian.org   NEW PHONE NUMBER: 510-620-3502

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