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Re: The real Debian.org

Hello Jimen,

Actually, there are a lot more than that!  Dave Cinege is not a developer. 
Also, this "dissent" by Dave Cinege has started "months" ago.  Dave might
have had some nice ideas, but he had been constantly picking out the
Debian Project Leader, Bruce Perens, and making him a scapegoat.  He
wasn't very kind to those who disagrees with him either. 

Dave had been attacking Bruce Perens and calling him a "dictator", saying
that Bruce "owns" the project and that Bruce started the SPI (Software In
the Public Interest) as a commercial corporation out to destroy Debian.
(There are other accusations too, but I don't remember the details off the
top of my head.)  Of course, none of these accusations are true, otherwise
I won't be a volunteer Debian developer myself.

Also, you might like to check out http://www.psychosis.com/.  You will be
surprised.  However, I agree that we should not judge Dave solely by what
he puts on those web pages. 

The fact is, over the past few months that Dave has been around, his
messages have annoyed *many* people.  As I wrote to him in an earlier
message, "trust and respect do not come free".  Indeed, trust and respect
have to be earned.  If Dave begins to treat other people with trust and
respect, given some time, I'm sure that he would be welcome again.  It is
all up to Dave.

Anthony Fok
(or in Cantonese, Tung-Ling Fok; in Mandarin, Dongling Huo  :)

On Sun, 26 Oct 1997, Jimen Ching wrote:

> First off, I am not a developer of Debian packages and thus do not know
> how Bruce Perens manages the distribution.  But basically I have two
> comments. 
> 1.  To DC, your first mistake was to post your request to all of the
> debian lists.  The problem with this is that this is a developers' issue,
> not a users' issue.  Thus all those responses sound like they were from
> users of debian, not the developers.  In this case, user's opinions are
> irrelavent. Who cares if a user likes Bruce Perens as the project leader? 
> They are not the one who must work with him.  Developers like you and
> others are the ones who matter.  What do other developers think?  Are they
> having the same problem as you?
> 2.  To the users, it's so pitiful that users of a distribution is so
> quick to kick out a DEVELOPER just because he disagrees with the leader.
> As a user, I must laugh at some of the criticisms.  Spelling mistakes?
> Use of initials instead of the full name?  These are reasons for ignoring
> a complaint?  It is scary to find out that this type of group can decide
> who becomes a developer for debian and who doesn't.
> I should mention that this is not the first time there was disagreement in
> the Debian project.  I remember in the beginning that Bruce and RMS also
> had a disagreement.  Fortunately, that was resolved.  I hope this one gets
> resolved as well.  Unlike others, I do see some problems with the
> distribution and improvements can be made.  Dave, I don't know what kind
> of contributions you make to debian.  But if it is in the dpkg program,
> then I hope you can continue to improve it.  If you do branch off into
> another distribution (great, yet another distribution), then dpkg is the
> first program you should improve.
> --jc
> --
> Jimen Ching (WH6BRR)      jching@flex.com     wh6brr@uhm.ampr.org
> --
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