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Re: Let's be friends. (Non-maintainer uploads made easier)

On Fri, 24 Oct 1997, Joost Kooij wrote:

> Brilliant idea! 

I agree.

> Packages can have a "friend" who _does_ still have a libc5 system to
> develop on.
> Mailinglists called <package>@lists.debian.org can be used for "friends"
> of <package>.
> Beginning maintainers can partake in "friendships" to learn the tricks of
> the trade.

Yes; I've seriously considered becoming a maintainer several times but I've
been a bit intimidated by the process of packaging.  If I can't do it
right, I don't want to do it at all.  If I became a package's "friend", I
could do a non-maintainer upload and if I make a mess, one of the other
friends or the package maintainer scolds me and uploads a fixed version
with more ease than if I were the sole maintainer of a package, thus broken
uploads get replaced more quickly.

If implemented, and if the current maintainer doesn't object, tin is one
package I'd like to stretch my wings on, as there's a new version at least
every few weeks and since it's my newsreader I neurotically keep up with

> A Debian-general core team can be declared "friend" of all packages, just
> in case. 

Probably the debian-qa alias/account could be used for this purpose.

Might as well make that a compiled-in default for dpkg (or at least in a
config file), as it would be a waste to list it for every package.

> Policy can be implemented for important packages to have at least x
> friends.

Yes, everything of important or required priority MUST have at least one
(perhaps two for required/essential packages) friend, and it should probably
be encouraged that standard packages have at least one.

This would really help insulate us from the disaster of orphange.

> People involved in porting can become a "friend" of the package they are
> porting.

Another excellent suggestion.  This is one of coolest ideas I've yet seen

Though maybe "Friends:" is a little too warm and fuzzy sounding for me.
The concept, however, is capital (please excuse my channeling for Gomez

G. Branden Robinson                 |  I am sorry, but what you have mistaken
Purdue University                   |  for malicious intent is nothing more
branden@purdue.edu                  |  than sheer incompetence!
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