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Re: xterm problems with man

On Thu, 23 Oct 1997, Dale Scheetz wrote:

> So, it looks like the xterm is missing paths and probably crucial
> environment variables as well. (BTW, how can you get the current
> list of environment variables from bash? Their contents would be useful
> as well.)

I think that 'env' is the command you want.

> Now, I understand that xterms don't run /etc/profile, but do run
> .bashrc. There has been some recent discussion about how to "link" the two
> for proper opperation. My question is, "Why aren't these issues dealt with
> properly from the start?". Shouldn't the user in X get a reasonable set of
> default paths and conditions, in the same way that they get them when
> logging in from a text terminal?

I always use .bashrc to set the prompt and the path.  Then, I also call
.bashrc from inside .bash_profile for login shells.  Also, I tend to run
most of my rxvt's with the -ls option which sources .bash_profile anyway.
I would never notice a problem like this with the default settings since I
always use my customized .bashrc.



Syrus Nemat-Nasser <syrus@ucsd.edu>    UCSD Physics Dept.

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