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From: Alex Yukhimets <aqy6633@acf5.nyu.edu>
> I was talking about the user who decides what to install, not the project.

OK. Sorry, that was not clear.

> As for project, my point is that we should not have prefered graphical
> environment at all, the same way as we don't have prefered editor.

The GUI choice is a very different issue from that of an editor. It's
a library for use by other programs, while editors stand alone.

We might want to develop a suite of GUI tools for our users. These tools
would have a consistent look and feel. Before embarking on such a project,
it would make sense to select one GUI to use in developing them.

Debian is not alone in this. Please don't think we are the only Linux
distribution that cares about free software and opposes GPL-ed programs
being built on top of Qt. In coming months you will start to see
significant commercial force behind GNOME.


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