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On Mon, 20 Oct 1997, Bruce Perens wrote:
> > Are we packaging GNOME and the various components needed to run it?
> > If not, I think we need to do so. In fact, I think we should seriously
> > consider declaring it Debian's preferred graphical environment.

I've resisted posting immediately on this one, and done a fair bit
of browsing...

My take is that graphical environments are evolving very quickly right
now. In part, this is because the hardware targets are moving so fast.
In part, it has to do with the hacker culture. Whatever we do, we need
to be prepared for a lot of improvement over the next few years.

That said, there's no doubt that gnome is much freer than anything based
on Qt.  But that still isn't the whole issue.

How about we make it for contrib and non-free packages that if there
are free alternatives they SHOULD be mentioned at the begining of the
package description?


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