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From: Riku Voipio <riku.voipio@iki.fi>
> OK. Looks like it's A fast moving target (as well that all the tools it
> depends on), like it refused to compile with hamm guile/gtk, so I guess
> have to release the first version to experimental, and try to keep up to
> development.

Since this is a GNU project, should we try to get the Debian packaging
files accepted into their CVS archive as soon as we produce them?
This might give the experienced developer a way of generating Debian
packages from their moving target on demand.

> Are you sure you want to advertisize packages that don't even run on Hamm?
> Relax, time is on our side (in this case:). I'll try to release something
> before I leave for weekend. 

I think it would be nice to have experimental packages somewhere, with the
caveat that they are probably useless for the non-developer at this time.

I think I will make a statement of support, something that doesn't depend on
our package state, to encourage them and to make them known to others.


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