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Re: cvs.debian.org state

> Who is the person behind cvs.debian.org.

That would be me.

> What are the plans for this; what is the current state ?

No plans.  It is currently available for anyone who wants to put a project
on it.  It does not have the bandwidth to be a general package cvs archive,
as some have suggested, but plenty for a few groups to work together.

> (I think I need a cvs repository for the boot-floppies package that
> can be used by several developers. I thought about creating this
> master, but then I heard that cvs.debian.org exists and someone is
> supposed to work on this.)

Send me a project name and a list of userids & encrypted passwords, and
I'll set up a directory for you.

                                 ( bcwhite@verisim.com )

    In theory, theory and practice are the same.  In practice, they're not.

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