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Re: new e2fsprogs & partitions > than 2gig?

   Date: Mon, 20 Oct 1997 23:03:10 +0200
   From: Yann Dirson <dwitch@monge.univ-mlv.fr>

   But there is a big difference: 1.10-4 failed because I compiled it
   with libc6, without being aware of the llseek() prototyping problem;
   1.10-6 is compiled with LIBC5, not libc6, and incorporates patches
   which proved to solve the problem when compiling with libc6 (1.10-5.1) !!

   After looking at my system, it seems that libc5_5.4.33-5 doesn't have
   a prototype for llseek() either !!!  Can someone tell when it did
   disappear ?  I just can find the syscall defined, but get no
   libc-level interface:

Wonderful!  Screwed by the libc folks *again*.  Fortunately, RedHat is
much more conservative about its libc choices, so I haven't gotten hit
with this one yet.

Anyway, I've placed the following test into configure.in which should
solve the problem once and for all:

dnl Check to see if llseek() is declared in unistd.h.  On some libc's 
dnl it is, and on others it isn't..... Thank you glibc developers....
dnl Warning!  Use of --enable-gcc-wall may throw off this test.
AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether llseek declared in unistd.h)
[#include <unistd.h>], [extern int llseek(int);],
if test "$e2fsprogs_cv_have_llseek_prototype" = yes; then

Then in llseek.c, you just need this:

extern long long llseek (int fd, long long offset, int origin);

						- Ted

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