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What distribution for xfbb

G'day All,
  I was considering making a Debian package of xfbb, which is THE BBS
program for amateur radio.  I'm doing this for two reasons;
1) I'd like to make Debian the packaing system to use for amateur radio
2) The current way of distributing xfbb and configuring it is a bit

I contacted the author and he is happy for me to distribute it, as long as I
follow some conditions (essentially so he knows what I'm up to), this is
good. from email from the author

| The copyright for the program is as follows.
|          AX25 BBS software  -  XFBB version 7.00
|          (C) F6FBB 1986-1997
| This software is in the public domain. It can be copied or
| installed only for amateur use abiding by the laws.
| All commercial or professional use is prohibited.
| F6FBB (Jean-Paul ROUBELAT) declines any responsibilty
| in the use of XFBB software.
| ----------
| I'm not sure that it is written in good english, but I hope it can be well
| understood.

Now, it's a bit confusing, as it is a public domain program with
restrictions.  I think I might be able to change the copyright slightly if
it is a bit confusing. 

Now obviously, it is not going in the main distribution.  It breaks Debian
Free Software Guideline 5.  I'm a little worried the wording, but not the
author's intention, may be quite restrictive.

The source code is not available, never has been and probably never will be. 
I think it can go in the contrib distribution, but I'd like to check first.

So what's the verdict?  Is there anything special I should ask the author.

  - Craig

  / /\  | |  Craig Small VK2XLZ <csmall@small.dropbear.id.au>
 |==||==|=|  Finger csmall@triode.net.au for PGP key. 
  \ \/  | |  fingerprint = AD 8D D8 63 6E BF C3 C7  47 41 B1 A2 1F 46 EC 90

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