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Re^2: static UID/GID?

Am 16.10.97 schrieb md # linux.it ...

Moin "Marco!

"MdI> Ifmail does not needs any additional GID, and AFAIK neither fidogate

That's right, but does for example news need an own GID? That's not the  

"MdI>  >does. of the ftn and the dialout group. Is this a good resolution?
"MdI> ftn should be a member of the dialout group, but it does not needs any
"MdI> new group.

Why do we need an own UID? fidogates Makefile uses news/news.

> If fidogate needs a group for security reasons then you
"MdI> should use ftn, otherwise I don't think we need another group, uucp
"MdI> works fine.

Why should a Fido program use the uucp GID? This doesn't make any sense.

cu, Marco

Uni: Budde@tu-harburg.d400.de      Fido: 2:240/5202.15
Mailbox: mbudde@hqsys.antar.com    http://www.tu-harburg.de/~semb2204/

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