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Re: uploads for bo (was Re: Non-free libc5 packages??)

On Fri, 17 Oct 1997, Fabrizio Polacco wrote:

> I really would like to have a place under bo where upload "new" versions
> of packages.
> I would suggest names like "bo-fixes" for those that will go into
> stable, and "bo-untested" for "new packages" that will be tested only
> under hamm (and that will never go into stable before the next release).

I was looking at the FreeBSD pages, and they seem to have 3 different
system.  A 'stable', that seems to be more or less what our stable is.
A 'release', which is what bo-updates is supposed to be, and what our
stable used to be, and an 'unstable' (I'm not sure about the exact term)
that is constantly changing, like ours.

I think this is a pretty good model, and something we should try and
emulate if possible.  As it is now, we are starting to see some troubles
caused by the long delay between releases - lots of new packages aren't
going to be available for those who choose to stay with stable for a
while, and even security updates seem to take a while to get included.  I
would like to see a more complete 'current' distribution that is more
liberal in its updates of 'leaf' packages.

Perhaps the various autobuilding systems would be a way to accomplish


David Welton                          http://www.efn.org/~davidw                
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