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Re: policy on editor/pager support

On Tue, 7 Oct 1997, Dale Scheetz wrote:

> This seems much more complex than necessary. I don't see any reason that
> EDITOR and PAGER can't be guaranteed to exist on the system. (Have the
> base system provide them in /etc/profile)

Still doesn't handle what happens if they go away.  As it stands now, it
just formalizes what many packages already did, used EDITOR or PAGER if
they were set, and if not fell back on something.  However, lots of stuff
fell back on vi and more rather than something more elegant, we just
provide something more elegant, so stuff uses less by default (if
available), as well as something more intuitive than vi.  (of course if
the admin WANTS to use more and vi, they can do that too)

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