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Re: Why do we need a base *section*?

Remco Blaakmeer wrote:
> This surely would make it easier to guess the location of a package you
> want to upgrade manually. If I want to upgrade a package I don't care if
> it it on the base disks or not. I just want to find the newest version of
> the package. Ok, most of the time I use dselect, but sometimes one has to
> do thing 'by hand' and in those cases it would be really convenient to
> just be able to guess that joe is an editor and therefore belongs in the
> 'editors' section. 

Even easier, I have a local debian mirror, and I just symlink every .deb
file on the mirror into a single subdirectory. Now I don't have to worry
about what section any package is in, I just type
dpkg -i /var/mirror/debian/all/foo<tab> and let my shell find it.

I wonder if such a directory would be useful on the ftp sites?

see shy jo

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