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Hi.I did order the CD and it is on my way.I have currently running Linux
with 2.0v.It runs good and it is verry fast compare to dos and win.I
have a little problem.I was using(and still using under windows) my
color hand scaner.I have a Mustek CG-9400.Will the Linux ever make a
driver for my scaner?.I am not a really a programer.I do have a turbo
paskal v6.0 and learn some of(basic),but assmebly language it is out of
my reach.
Any help on this will help.The graphic works lot faster under Linux that
windows.I do not like a window(never was and never will),but have not
much choice right now.I am still learning how to operate the Linux and
mess-up 3 times when compile the kernel,but got it work.

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