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Re: majordomo and exim

Please file a bug report.

In article <19971001133232.16829@sunrise> you wrote:
: Hi. I noticed today while configuring majordomo on a system running exim that
: majordomo tries to use the -oee option to sendmail.
: This option is not supported by exim, and causes majordomo to generate a rather cryptic error in the log that really doesnt tell the user anything about why the process didn't work.
: My suggestion is this.
: Does majordomo really need to use -oee on a sendmail system (the option is supposed to make sendmail exit with errorlevel 0 if it has nothing useful to say)
: Is debian still encouraging users to use sendmail or do we want to actively steer them towards one of the more secure mailers?
: and if the option really must stay, can we have something in the postinst for majordomo that edits /etc/majordomo.cf and takes out the -oee option if it is detected that exim is installed.
: Other than that, majordomo integrates really nicely with exim.
: Regards
: Aaron

: -- 
: Aaron Howell.	Q.U.T Equity Department, Technical Support/Training.
: work: a.howell@qut.edu.au	Linux/Networking Support.
: home: a.howell@student.qut.edu.au	phone +61-412-956-467
: www: http://www2.cnl.com.au/~aaron	irc: DaRkAnGeL
: Support the efforts of the Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email. 
: http://www.cauce.org for details. help stamp out internet junkmail.

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