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What revision number for bo-updates?

I want to provide libc5 versions of some of my packages that are already
available for libc6 in unstable. I want them to be distinguishable from the
libc6 versions by their revision numbers.

Should they look as downgrades to dselect? If so, how do I achieve that.

E.g. my current mutt package is mutt_0.84-5. I could build a libc5 version
of it as "mutt_0.84-5libc5", but (IIRC) this will look as a newer version to
dpkg. I could build it as "mutt_0.84-4.99", but then it would still look as
an upgrade from (libc6) mutt_0.84-4 .

Does dpkg support negative epoch numbers perhaps?

Any advice appreciated,
Obsig: developing a new sig

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