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Announcing TIND: This Is Not Dselect

Mmmh, let me introduce you to a fun project of mine.
I wanted to play a little bit with Tix widgets, and this is the 
For you ignorants who don't know what Tix is, it's a widget extension 
to Tk, whith plenty of cutes widgets.
So, as the title says TIND Is Not Dselect.
It's somekind of a package browser with a nice interface (at least to 
I have no idea of where this will lead me to (maybe competition with 
Deity :-) or something to wait until deity, or maybe nothing more 
than what it is currently)
Anyways, you can download it on:

It's a simple (15k) script written in 4-5 hours.
It parses the available and status files, and displays their contents.
It awfully slow when it comes to reading the files and processing 
version numbers (forking a dpkg every time doesn't make it fast...). 
Once everything is loaded it's rather fast.
You need the tix41 package to run this script. I've released a libc6 
version two days ago, linked with tcl/tk 8.0. I recommend this 
version as tcl 8.0 is faster than the old versions.
Tix41 is available on master or on:
Tcl8.0 and tk8.0 have been debianized some time ago, so they should 
have found their way to your closest debian mirror...

Please send your feedback.


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