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No mail from the list for about 3 days...

This is a little bit off-topic, but there is a way to
know if I was removed from one of the debian mailing lists?
I didnt receive mail from debian-devel for about 3 days now
and I think its impossible, but, apart from re-subscribing,
how can I check? Stange enough I receive mail from debian-i18n
every day, so the list-server works... 

Anticipated thanks,

*************************    ____*********************************
* Federico Di Gregorio   |  /      the number you dialled is     *
* Debian developer!      | / -1   imaginary... please, rotate    *
* <friend of penguins>   |/      the phone PI/2 and try again!   *
****************DE 9E B2 75 B4 F6 CC 5B  C3 D5 71 51 04 AB F3 B2**

TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to
debian-devel-request@lists.debian.org . 
Trouble?  e-mail to templin@bucknell.edu .

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