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Re: Creation of typical installations...

On Thu, 25 Sep 1997, Craig Sanders wrote:
> think of it as a throwaway script - when something better comes along,
> throw it away.
> : i estimate that a quick hack solution to do this should take no
> : more than a few days. avoid arguments over what goes into each set
> : by adopting the first (or the "best" - anyone volunteer to judge?)
> : selection set provided by any developer (or user - there's an idea for
> : getting some user involvement in debian dev).
> : 
> : i don't think that it needs to be any more than a "quick hack" because it's
> : only a stop-gap solution until deity gets here.

Well, as a user of Debian, i have a "quick hack" suggestion.  One that
would seem to require minimal effort.  Create a new section.  call it
"configurations" or something like that.  make it the section at the top
of dselect's list.  inside this section will be a bunch of "dummy" .deb
files:  webserver.deb, netclient.deb, ftpserver.deb, x.deb, etc... these
packages need contain nothing more than control files, which require (or
suggest) all the various components neccessary for that configuration.


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