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Re: Creation of typical installations...

On Thu, 25 Sep 1997 jdassen@wi.leidenuniv.nl wrote:

> On Sep 25, Erik Andersen wrote
> > I remember when I first installed Slackware (long before Debian existed),
> Unless my memory is failing, Debian and Slackware started almost
> simultaneously (Slackware slightly earlier). Slackware was usuable for
> regular users a lot faster, because it was based on SLS (but having the same
> basic problem: one maintainer), whereas Debian started from scratch
> (inventing its beautiful packaging system, and developing the concept of
> per-package-maintainers).
> Both Debian and Slackware were responses to the amount of problems with SLS
> 1.03 .
> Can someone with better memory back me up please?

Fine.  I am not disputing this fact.  I first ran Slackware, and I moved
to Debian 1.1 because Slackware packaging sucked. 

My point was that what the other guys do (Slackware, RedHat, and
Caldera are the only one's I have tried (other then Debian which is what
I actually use and have used continuously since the 1.1 days)) is the
curses based checkboxes for categories and products thing.  
I was suggesting a simple design for a pre-deity simple dselect
replacement.  I see nothing wrong with stealing design ideas from the
other guys.  I suspect we could steal a program from one of the other
distributions that could lists the directories and files from
dists/hamm/hamm, and togles a checkbox by the side of each.  Then all
that would be needed is to do a dpkg -I $1 whenever you push the magic
button to get a package description, and then slams all selected packages
through pkg-order and then dpkg -i. It wouldn't be deity, but it wouldn't
be dselect either...


Erik B. Andersen   Web:    http://www.inconnect.com/~andersen/
                   email:  andersee@debian.org
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