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Re: Mailing lists and confidentiality

On Wed, 24 Sep 1997, Dave Cinege wrote:

> And you are another one....  It has to do without enumerating
> the 'Perens' club. I keep hearing "The general consensus of the

right.  so everyone who disagrees with you is a member of the sinister
"Perens Club".  sure.

> developers" but it seems you are the only developers that count. The
> rest of the developers seem to be voicing a good deal of discontent
> with various issues that have been decided by his holyness.
> As for looking for trouble with Bruce, he has been creating it all on
> his own.

look, we all elected Bruce as our "project dictator", we all knew that
occasionally he would make decisions which some or many of us disliked.
we accepted that because, occasionally, we NEED someone to end a long
drawn out debate and actually make a decision.

at the same time, bruce knows that he can only lead us where we want to
go - if he makes a decision which nobody likes then everyone is going to
ignore him. his lead only gets followed if he has majority support (or,
at least, support by the people who are actually going to *do the work*
that is being debated).

i think all of us have, at some point in time, had several occasions
to disagree with bruce...sometimes vehemently. overall, however, bruce
generally makes good decisions and his leadership has been very good for
the project. debian would not be as successful as it is today without

the description of the leader's job at the time of the developers'
election was something like "benevolent dictator of a bunch of
rebellious anarchists". bruce often likens his job to "herding cats".

that's the way it is, and that's the way we like it.  quit yer whining.


craig sanders
networking consultant                  Available for casual or contract
temporary autonomous zone              system administration tasks.

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