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Re: A real case.

joost witteveen wrote:
> (I didn't read all of the 10 page document)

You couldn't because there were only 3 pages (exacly as your short
reply); the other 7 was eated up by the antispammer :-)

> My comment would be:
>   Any programmee that uses libraries from unstable is infact itself
>   unstable too. (Use a library, you use code that come from that
>   library, and that code we consider "unstable", if the librarie
>   comes from unstable and thus hasn't been tested as much as stable).

You are confusing the "unstableness" of a debian package with that of
its content. When an Author releases an upgrade version of a library,
after some time of testing, and declares it as "stable" why should other
Authors wait for debian to release "unstable" as "stable" just to use
the library?

A debian package moves from "unstable" to "stable" (as long as all the
others) due more to schedules that to effective stability.
When I started maintaining groff I released the new upstream version
that had been sitting on the gnu site for more that one year. The
package went to unstable but that version of groff was surely stable!

>   Thus, why on earth does the author think his package belongs in
>   stable? It's well and truley unstable.

He doesn't think it "belongs" to stable. He wants they user use it, and
those users are running stable, not unstable.

> I'm sure that if that message is then posted to debian-devel, and
> the programme is usefull, there will be developpers that show up and
> package up his programme for unstable.

Thus demonstrating the ugly assertion that "you need do be a debian
developer to make .debs".

> To summerise: a programme that has just been released by the author
> doesn't belong in stable! It belongs in unstable. If the author
> doesn't run unstable, then s/he should find somebody else who does
> run unstbale.

you have completely forgotten user's roll.
Users are asking to the Author to release a .deb package for their
"stable" systems.

But I agree that the bst way is to release a statically linked program.
The best way from debian's perspective, not for user's resources.

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