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Re: debstd-like tool for those who don't want to use debmake

Christoph Lameter wrote:
> Another issue it the problem that debstd is a shell script. There are
> certain limitation to what you can do with a shell script and it might be good to
> have the stuff coded in perl or C.

Are you taking about things like - problems with filesnames containing
spaces (or other, weirder characters)?

I agree that is a problem.

The only catch is, once you write something like this in perl or C, it is
less understandable by the majority. And, shell is really ideally suited to
the kind of things debstd/my tools do.

> One problem I see is the handling of the thing: I tried to make debmake
> as simple as possible for beginners. It seems that this scheme will require
> some maintainance of debian/rules. Maybe you can offer
> some conversion tools and a deb-make like debianizing tool as well?

Well, it should be possible to write a shell script that looks something
like this and does exactly what debstd does now:


If I took care to make everything 100% back-compatable to debstd (which it
really isn't now), something like this could be named debstd. Then if you
find the monolithic sytle irritating later, you break it up and place each
of these calls in your debian/rules instead.

> Also how can you make sure that debian/rules will be updated if you
> release a new version of your tools with enhanced functionality?

Well, one thing I've been hearing a lot of is that many people don't want
this. If some new capability is added, they want the opportunity to add it
in themseleves if it is appropriate. It seems that lots of people worry that
this very automtaic addition of functionality is going to cause problems.

Howver, if back-compatablity to debstd is a must, then I could continue with 
the idea of the shell script above. I could add new commands to it, and if you
were using that shell script, your package automatically gets them.

see shy jo

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