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Re: debstd-like tool for those who don't want to use debmake

Bruce Perens wrote:
> If you modify one of the scripts, you have to make sure everybody who
> has to build your package has a copy of your special modified version.
> It would be best to distribute it with the package it builds. This could
> make for some fat packages if many people modify it. I think it would be
> better to make it possible to turn sections off and have them be replaced
> with arbitrary makefile commands, rather than to have a path switch to
> modify them.

Well, that's quite possible too. You just comment out the command in the
makefile and replace it with commands of your own.

However, the average length of these programs is 20 lines so far, so I don't
expect there will be a large degree of bloat of debian/ if you copy a few
into it and modify them.

see shy jo

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