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Uploading sourceless package

	 A question on uploading a package without a source.  What do I
put on the required 'Source:' line in the .changes file ?
	I'm ready to try to upload my first package (fvwmconf).  I am the
author and maintainer.  It is all perl, so there is no source.  On my web
page, I currently have a .tar.gz file which has a script to do a
/usr/local installation, and a .deb file as well which conforms to the
FSSTND (and debian requirements) . Can I upload the .deb file alone ? Or
do I have to add a makefile and debian directory to the .tar.gz file
according to the debian packaging manual and call it the source file ? 
	 Eagerly awaiting, ....

G John Lapeyre     <lapeyre@physics.arizona.edu>
Tucson,AZ          http://www.physics.arizona.edu/~lapeyre

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