Re: Some ideas and concerns regarding fakeroot
> Debianizing a package often requires hacking around in Makefile to make
> the package install in debian/tmp or so. The fakeroot package is already
> messing around with the permissions of files and buiding a file index in
> ram I guess. Could we have the following functionality to avoid the
> editing of makefiles:
> 1. There is a environment variable VIRTUAL_ROOT which is set by the
> maintainer to the debian/tmp directory.
> 2. If the installation is trying to write a file to a directory where
> there are no permission to write (package is build under regular userid)
> then redirect the file into VIRTUAL_ROOT/path and create all leading
> directories.
> 3. If a file is opened for reading with an absolute path then first look
> into VIRTUAL_ROOT/path before trying to access the real path.
I like the idea. There's one thing I'm not sure about, though: stat().
Suppose we've got two packages, foo and bar. One does, in the make install:
if test -f /etc/foo-info; then
process /ect/foo-info, do things with info,
and install the foo accordingly;
echo /etc/foo-info missing. Please create this file and re-run make info.
So, surely, for foo we want
stat(file that lives in /, but not in VIRTUAL_ROOT/etc)
to give the stat of / anyway.
But now take bar, that does:
if test -f /etc/bar-info; then
echo /etc/bar-info doesn't exist yet. Creating it.
echo "bartender=" `hostname` > /etc/bar-info
echo /etc/bar-info already exist, good. Not creating it.
So, surely, for bar we want
stat(file that lives in /, but not in VIRTUAL_ROOT/etc)
_not_ to give the stat of /.
How is fakeroot going to distinguish between the two?
joost witteveen,
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