Re: Debian libc5 (stable) to libc6 (unstable) Mini-HOWTO (regular posting, updated)
In message <>, Scott
Ellis writes
> 4.2. /sbin/e2fsck
The e2fsck program in e2fsprogs_1.10-4 has a bug in it which will
> cause it to destroy data on partitions above 2GB in size. The version
> in e2fsprogs_1.10-5 has fixed this bug. IMPORTANT: If you run the
> older libc6-based e2fsck on a 2 GB or greater partition, YOU WILL LOSE
I had problems with that version of e2fsck, EVEN THOUGH (by my calculations)
my partition was less than 2Gb (= 2 * 1024^3) by 67Mb.
Oliver Elphick
Isle of Wight
Make it idiot-proof, and someone will breed a better idiot.
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