Re: Processed: dpkg bug severities
In message <[🔎]>, Ian Jackson
included the header line:
> Cc: ...,
> Klee Dienes and Ian Jackson (dpkg #10049 #10259 #1037 #10433 #10452 #10494 #11047 #11073 #11074 #11228 #11341 #11868 #11992 #12187 #1399 #1555 #1797 #1921 #2701 #2894 #2904 #2911 #2929 #3170 #3225 #3406 #3991 #4093 #4319) <>
This line produced an error when fetchmail downloaded my mail:
Klee Dienes and Ian Jackson <>(dpkg #10049
#10259 #1037 #10433 #104...992 #12187 #1399 #1555 #1797 #1921 #2701 #2894
#2904 #2911 #2929 #3170 #3225 #3406 #3991 #4093 #4319... Unbalanced '('
Klee Dienes and Ian Jackson <>(dpkg #10049
#10259 #1037 #10433 #104...992 #12187 #1399 #1555 #1797 #1921 #2701 #2894
#2904 #2911 #2929 #3170 #3225 #3406 #3991 #4093 #4319... Unbalanced '('
which came (I think) from sendmail.
So it appears that Ian Jackson's mailer is producing header lines that cannot
be parsed by a receiving sendmail.
My sendmail version is 8.8.6-4
Oliver Elphick
Isle of Wight
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