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What's happening to my dpkg-source?

I am using dpkg-source, libc6 (maybe it's the dreaded perl/libc6
bug? I have perl from bo still, that's 5.003.07-10)

Now I can make source packages allright, but can't restore them:

lalo(08:21)~/temp/circuit.tmp> dpkg-source -x enlightenment-circuit_0.12-1.dsc
dpkg-source: extracting enlightenment-circuit in enlightenment-circuit-0.12
shell-init: could not get current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories
patch: **** can't find .dpkg-orig
dpkg-source: failure: patch gave error exit status 1
zsh: exit 11    dpkg-source -x enlightenment-circuit_0.12-1.dsc

This happens for any package: the ones I made, those in the bo cd and those
I got from ftp (hamm).

              I walk the maze of moments...
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