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Re: mars_nwe licensing

On Thu, 28 Aug 1997, Hamish Moffatt wrote:

> However, for a Netware client to login to the server,
> the server needs to have a copy of the standard Novell SYS:LOGIN
> directory, which is obviously copyright Novell and
> not packagable in any form. Can mars_nwe go into the main
> distribution like this? Or even into debian at all?

Assuming the server itself is free, then it can go in contrib.

Actually, SYS:LOGIN is not necessary. It is only necessary if the server
is going to be the main server on a network segment: if a client machine
has already got the login files from another server it can then mount
files and printers from a server without SYS:LOGIN. 

However, there is a problem here, which is that there doesn't seem to be a
way to control what server a client machine will attempt to log into
first (as I understand it, they do a broadcast, and log into the first to

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