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New Convert!

After using Slackware for a while, I'm just writing to say that you have
another convert! There's nothing wrong with Slackware (Imust say that all
distributions look the same if we take out the merchadising) but I'll have
to admit that you have the finest arguments: you do not provide a 'PnP'
distribution like RedHat (that tends to be oversimplified and can make
people install without knowing what their doing, and later they feel
helples...) neither a completely unsupported instalation(the best
friendly/learninf ratio of all), you have a true Linux ethos (like
Slackware, by promoting freeware, but even with more affinity with GNU), a
great homepage and merchadising (here is were Slackware is the worst: they
really don't make an effort here - no real homepage even.I was converted
after reading your homepage - the best I've seen: informative, friendly,
honest and tottaly absorving - I've already sent my compliments to the
WebMaster!), the SpaceShuttle gig was great in divulgation (I'll bet that
next we will be earing 'Spacial Station MIR Saved by Debian/GNU Linux' !!!
:-) ). I have no more words. I want to be a happy Debian! 
Best Wishes, Keep up the good work !!!

Frederico Serrano Muñoz	Lisbon, PORTUGAL

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