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What happenned to gettext?

One of my systems has gettext installed, one doesn't, and it turns out
that although random bits (like xgettext) show up in other packages,
the whole thing isn't in bo anywhere.  Does anyone remember the
history of this? What should I be using instead on a libc5 system?

Package: gettext
Status: install ok installed
Priority: optional
Section: devel
Installed-Size: 875
Maintainer: Santiago Vila <sanvila@ctv.es>
Version: 0.10.26-0
Depends: libc5 (>= 5.4.0-0)
Suggests: emacs
Description: GNU Internationalization utilities
 Interesting for authors or maintainers of other packages or programs
 which they want to see internationalized.  Users of GNU packages
 should also install GNU gettext because some other GNU packages will
 use the gettext program included in this package to internationalize
 the messages given by shell scripts.

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