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I have just uploaded a new version of tripwire fixing (among others) that
nasty core dump. However, there is still one open bug namely the missing
usage of zlib for the database file. I'd love to see that one solved as I
hate that 5MB file too.

My problem is that I never used zlib so far and to make matters worse
tripwire reads/writes the file at quite a lot of places using constructs
like rewind and fprintf that have no equivalent in zlib. Furthermore I
probably do not have enough time to dig into the sources even more to
understand where I have to change what.

Is there anyone out there who already has made such a patch? Or has enough
zlib knowledge to be able to make that patch without too much work?


Dr. Michael Meskes, Project-Manager    | topsystem Systemhaus GmbH
meskes@topsystem.de                    | Europark A2, Adenauerstr. 20
meskes@debian.org                      | 52146 Wuerselen
Go SF49ers! Go Rhein Fire!             | Tel: (+49) 2405/4670-44
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