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Re: Questions on shared libraries

On Jul 29, Susan G. Kleinmann wrote
> My question is, how does one deduce the {major,minor} version numbers?
> (Specifically, the netpbm package comes with lib files that are just named
> "libppm.c", etc.  I have arbitrarily set N=1, M=1 and O=1, but such
> arbitrariness seems more or less out of the spirit of things.

On Jul 29, Guy Maor answered
> The soname must match for a library to link.  Beyond that, the other
> numbers can mean whatever you want, though upward compatibility is
> expected.
> Since this is a new library, and the only executables that will use it are
> likely to be those netpbm, you can version it however you wish. I would
> suggest N=1, M=0, and do without an O.

I'd like to add that it is important for interoperability with other Linux
distributions and binaries floating around sunsite and other archives, to
attempt to keep .so numbering consistent. 

Try to make sure that you´re really the first to make a shared library in
this case. If you are not, follow the existing numbering scheme. If you are,
establish a "keeper of the .so name" (i.e. the person who does the
authorative numbering); preferably, this is the upstream author (prepare to
explain the issues). If this fails, consider becoming the "keeper of the .so
name" yourself; announce this widely (contact other distributions and the
linux-gcc list). AFAIK, there is currently no canonical list of "keepers of
.so names". [David, do you know more?]

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