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source dependencies - and recomndations

I think we also need a Source-Recommends field. There are some packages that
should be built with some other package installed, but will build ok without

For example, if I build xaos on a system without svgalib installed, it
will work fine, but if svgalib is available for the architecture, you gain
some more functionality by building xaos with it. 

Another example, if pdmenu is built on a systm without libgpm, it will work 
fine, but if built on a system with libgpm, you get mouse support. Both of 
these, and other packages, could use a Source-Recommends field.

How this field would be used is the autobuilder would refuse to install packages
if it couldn't meet the Source-Depends. If it couldn't meet the 
Source-Recommends, it would possibly give a warning, but would build the
package anyway.

see shy jo

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