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Re: [Q] How do I get rid of 'no utmp entry available'

  Johnie> I tend to build from rxvt sessions, if that matters.
  Dirk> You made my day !! It is rxvt's fault as it does not occur in an
  Dirk> xterm!  
  Joey> I get it in an xterm all the time.

Yuck, it's getting curiouser and curiouser. I still get it in rxvt's, but in
an xterm. Do you also use:

edd@miles:~> dpkg -l xbase rxvt | grep ^ii     
ii  xbase           3.3-3          Local clients and configuration required by
ii  rxvt            2.20-4         VT100 emulator for the X window system 

edd@debian.org  edd@rosebud.sps.queensu.ca  http://rosebud.sps.queensu.ca/~edd
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