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Re: Apache 1.2 + proxy - how?

"Amos" == Amos Shapira <amos@gezernet.co.il> writes:

Amos> I managed to install Apache 1.2 on a "rex" system, but the
Amos> debian package doesn't include the proxy module, and I can't

Incidentially, apache 1.2.1-3 and later do include it (I had thought
no one used it).

Amos> figure out how to add this module.  All my attempts to compile
Amos> my own Apache debian package under "bo" (and "rex") failed.  It
Amos> looks like apache is very dependent on "hamm".

Hmm..  I hadn't planned it that way, though I did notice that no
amount of -b and -D flags could get libc6 gcc to successfully link it
with libc5.  My hope was that it would work on a pure bo system, with
the removal of libc6isms like the link to -lcrypt.

But congratulations on getting it working with "rex".  :-)  The
dependency on libgdbmg1 is usually a showstopper, demanding the
upgrade and/or removal of a bunch of other things.

(Life would be simpler if everyone used Berkley DB exclusively.)

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 / / | | '_ \| | | \ \/ /                                             m m m
/ /__| | | | | |_| |>  <      Those who do not understand UNIX       mm   mm
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