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Re: Deity UI draft

Sorry, I didn't get the original post so I had to get it on the web to

>  The required disk space will simply be equal to the package's
>  Installed-Size header.
>  The available disk space will be calculated by only taking into
>  account the partition on which /usr is located. Since most of each
>  package is installed under /usr, this should provide a rough, yet
>  fairly accurate estimate even on multi-partition systems.

Maybe these status fields could be clickable? Clicking on them would make
Deity actually "df" and "dpkg-dev --contents" to display how much space is
needed and available on each partition. Then if I see, by the status bar,
that the package is at space risk, I can click to see if it actually fits.

Of course this doesn't sound doable in the Installation Screen; checking the
contents of _all_ selected packages may take a lot of time...

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