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Re: Bug Reporting system

On Sat, 26 Jul 1997, Clint Adams wrote:

> Many users have difficulty determining which package is responsible for
> a problem.  How are they going to determine if a bug is architecture-specific?

That's a good argument for adding the `Architecture:' field to
bug reports.  Users may not be able to determine that the bug
is architecture-specific, but they can report that the bug was
observed on a sparc (or whatever).

If the package maintainer (who probably has an i386 system, but
could have an m68k or whatever) finds that the bug is repeatable,
he can address it as an architecture-independent bug.  If the
bug report specifies an architecture different than his, and
the bug is not repeatable and/or there are some indications that
it might be architecture specific, he can look for help from
someone on the appropriate arch list.

This, however, depends on the package maintainer knowing the
architecture used by the bug-reporter.  That argues for the
addition of an `Architecture:' field to bug reports.  For it
to be effective, it would have to be a required field.

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