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Re: NIS+ support in glibc/libc6

On %M %N, Ben Gertzfield wrote
>     David> I'm not sure, but I believe the client support for glibc is
>     David> only in the still-in-development version 2.1 at the moment.
> Says on the page that the pre-release 2.0.90 has it, and that there's
> also a patch available on the page for release versions.

2.0.90 is just the current working version number for 2.1.  I don't
expect it to be released any time soon.

I suppose it's up to Helmut if he wants to include Thorston's patch
for 2.0.x.  My preference would be to wait until Ulrich includes in
2.0.5.  Unlike, H.J. Lu, Ulrich is very good about releasing bug fixes
and minor enhancements to the current stable version of glibc, even
while development is going on for the next major release.

David Engel                        ODS Networks
david@sw.ods.com                   1001 E. Arapaho Road
(972) 234-6400                     Richardson, TX  75081

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