Re: source dependencies : virtual names
> > I think it should be specified exactly. Just because something compiles
> > and works with libc6 doesn't mean it will do so with libc7 (both of which
> > would provide libc-dev).
> but as long as we don't know, we should try. right ?
> only packages where you are sure, that they only work with version xxx
> (like tk only works with the special tcl version) should use these
> names. everything else sais : i don't know. try it.
No, we shouldn't. Just because something compiles doesn't mean it will
work. That up to the maintainer to determine before uploading.
Other wise, you could end up with something like:
- package A compiles against package X
- new package Y comes out which superceedes X (like libc5->libc6)
- package A is recompiled (successfully)
- new package A is put into the distribution (replacing old A)
- user installs new A but it doesn't work (even though it compiled)
and cannot find old version to go back to.
If a maintainer uploads a package that doesn't work, we can get on his/her
case and say, "you know, you really should test this more before uploading",
but what do you say to an automated process?
No, best to leave any kind of upgrading to humans.
In fact, this is a point _against_ having automated building... What if
a new version of GCC comes out that causes a problem with one or two
packages? (Remember the "-fstrength-reduce" bug?)
> 1.) Changes to virtual packages list
> Add all Packages with versioned names, with their unversioned name.
> libc-dev, xpm-dev, xlib-dev ...
Bad idea, in my opinion.
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