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Re: Should packages depend on cron?


On 23 Jul 1997, Manoj Srivastava wrote:

> 	But that means I have very little control over all the jobs in
>  my crontabs file (I stagger them to avoid sytem and network load
>  peaks). I would find that unacceptable. Also, my machine stays on for
>  days (would be weeks, but I have to log into NT once in a while). 
> 	Just because I rebooted back from NT in the peak network time
>  load does not mean that my daily news feed occurs every day after
>  that at peak times.

Okay, now we have people confused over what anacron does.  It DOESN'T
completely replace cron, and it DOESN'T shift jobs around based on the
time it was run last.  It simply makes that tasks listed in it occur at
specific intervals with daily granularity.  It checks the date, and if a
specific task in it's DIFFERENT THAN CRON's conffile hasn't been run
within the number of days specified, it executes that command, after
sleeping for a specified number of minutes (to avoid swamping the machine
when it is turned on for instance).  It is not a continually running
process, but one that is executed on system startup (well, runlevel 2-5),
and can be added to your crontab to run once a day at a time you choose,
in case you leave the machine on overnight.  It is perfect for making sure
that the log-rotation and cleanup tasks stuck by packages in the
/etc/cron.* directories run regularly, since the exact timing of those
isn't as critical as the usefulness of them running.  Cron is still used
when you need a specific time for a command to run, like your newsfeed.

- -- 
                       |        Your friends will know you better in the
    Scott K. Ellis     |     first minute you meet than your acquaintances
    storm@gate.net     |           will know you in a thousand years.
                       |                      -- Illusions

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