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Confusion about pristine original sources

I was under the impression the "original source" that Debian provided
was supposed to be an unmodified version as received from the upstream
maintainer.  The purpose of this was to allow for identical MD5Sums or
the like, thus verifying that no additional code had been "slipped in".

However, when trying to build source, it wants the internal directory
to be something different that the original source provides.  Am I doing
something wrong?

  callandor:~/build> dpkg-source -b gnats-3.102-beta 
  dpkg-source: building gnats using existing gnats_3.102-beta.orig.tar.gz
  dpkg-source: error: tarfile `gnats_3.102-beta.orig.tar.gz' contains object
       (gnats-3.102-beta/) not in expected directory (gnats-3.102-beta.orig)

                                 ( bcwhite@verisim.com )

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