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Re: 2.1 kernels and dpkg.


	What does POSIX say about this (I don't have my standard
 handy)? I was under the impression that ENOTDIR was required when
 rmdir(2) was called on a non-dir. Also, the problem is fixed in
 2.1.46, so it seems that dpkg was right in the first place.

	Why fix something that is correct?

>>"Klee" == Klee Dienes <klee@mit.edu> writes:

Klee> Shaya Potter <spotter@itd.nrl.navy.mil> writes:
>> I was perusing the unofficial kernel patches at linuxhq.com, and I
>> saw that their was a patch to make the latest kernels work with
>> dpkg.  This should be a big concern if dpkg is not compatable with
>> the new kernels especially if the kernels keep that behavior when
>> they turn stable.

Klee> Here's the original message posted to linux-kernel:

Klee> From: buhr@stat.wisc.edu (Kevin Buhr) Date: 20 Jul 1997 14:25:14
Klee> -0500

Klee> Don't run "dpkg" or "dselect" under 2.1.44 or 2.1.45.  Both
Klee> these kernels follow symlinks on "sys_rmdir", "sys_rename", and
Klee> "sys_chown". The first breaks "dpkg" most severely, since "dpkg"
Klee> absolutely relies on a "rmdir" of a symlink returning ENOTDIR.
Klee> The second is nasty too, since "dpkg", when installing a symlink
Klee> "blahblah", creates the symlink "blahblah.dpkg-new" and then
Klee> renames it to "blahblah".  The "sys_chown" problem is mostly
Klee> minor, but if "dpkg" installs a dangling symlink, it'll die when
Klee> the chown of the symlink unexpectedly fails.

Klee> I'm looking into fixing the problem now, though it may be until
Klee> the weekend before I really have time to fix it properly.

 "It does not pay a prophet to be too specific." Sprague de Camp
Manoj Srivastava               <url:mailto:srivasta@acm.org>
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