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Re: e2fsprogs 1.10-4 doesn't work on partitions > 2GB

   Date: Sun, 20 Jul 1997 23:05:08 -0400 (EDT)
   From: Shaya Potter <spotter@itd.nrl.navy.mil>

   So the question is, does glib-2.0.4 have a broken llseek.  Ted, have their
   been any other reports against e2fsprogs in relation to large file systems
   and glibc.  Maybe s/o can check the implementation of the function in
   libc5 and compare it to it's libc6 counterpart.  I would, except I
   wouldn't know what I'm looking for, so someone more compentant than me
   should do it.

I haven't heard any complaints so far; however for speed reasons
e2fspropgs uses lseek() for accesses < 2GB, and llseek() for accesses >=
2GB, so it may just be that no one has tried using e2fsprogs and glibc
with big partitions so far...

   On a side issue, the man page for llseek is way out of date, I just
   checked it, and it said it couldn't deal with thing > 2GB.

???  It sounds like the man page for llseek is completely broken, and
has been since the beginning.  (n.b., RedHat's llseek man page is sane)
The whole point of llseek() is that it supports a 64-bit offset, so it
never was the case that it couldn't deal with offsets greater than 2GB.
The whole point of its existance was to deal with offsets > 2GB.

Are you sure you weren't looking at a man page for lseek(), perhaps?

						- Ted

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