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preparing for auto compiling


current status : it is not yet possible to produce useable binaries.
but it is possible to find a lot of bugs in current packages.

shouldn't we start to do that ? i have about 50 logfiles with errors,
but i only compiled base/ admim/ and comm/ and i used old versions (bo,
1.3.0 source cdrom).

we can start right now :
a) trying to build current software with autocompiler
b) looking at the resulting log files for bugs in the packages
that's too much work for one people. 

to have your own auto compiler running, your system should have most
binaries used in compiling in glibc format
(gcc,gzip,tar,dpkg,perl,bash,gawk, ...). 

thanks a lot to joost for writing fakeroot and for his patience with me
and my endless bug reports and feature requests.

i have two small shell scripts for auto compiling (you can get them via
email, they are still alpha).

one autocompiler somewhere on the net should be enough for testing,
and could be a better help. (i'm using the old bo 1.3.0 cdrom - nice for
finding working programs, but bugfixing should start with the latest

so, if we want to test auto compiling we need a test machine (can we use
master for that ? does someone lese have a machine ?) and we need a
group of developers that can look at the Log files and create patches.

as i noted above, we cannot create working packages now :
some problems with permissions (IMO a problem in fakeroot), but i hope i
can reproduce that, and then joost has a chance to fix it.

summary :
the output is not 100% perfect now, but the mechanism is working good
enough to check current packages and prepare for auto compiling. it's
too much work for two or three people, and we should have a central auto
compiler. if auto compiling is a goal, there is no reason to wait.
preperations can start now.

what do you think ?


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