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RE: staroffice.deb


why does your installer only install a wrapper for swrite3 and not for
the other programs? Also do we really need an installer? AFAIK
staroffice is free for personal use.

Dr. Michael Meskes, Project-Manager    | topsystem Systemhaus GmbH
meskes@topsystem.de                    | Europark A2, Adenauerstr. 20
meskes@debian.org                      | 52146 Wuerselen
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>-----Original Message-----
>From:	joey@office.individual.net [SMTP:joey@office.individual.net]
>Sent:	Tuesday, July 08, 1997 8:05 PM
>To:	debian-user@lists.debian.org; debian-devel@lists.debian.org
>Cc:	Die Adresse des Empfängers ist unbekannt.
>Subject:	staroffice.deb
>Dear friends,
>today I have packaged a staroffice installer.  Last week some people
>have asked for a .deb of it. It works for me so far.  It tries to
>install some menu entries and has a wrapper around the executables
>because otherwise you would run into problems because of missing
>Could some of you please fetch the package and try it out.  If you
>have encountered any errors, please let me know.  As I have a very
>high workload at the moment it would be a good idea to look at the
>source and send me a diff.
>On my machine the menus weren't updated.  Could someone who is
>familiar with the menues stuff please take a look at the code?
>The package can be found on:
>Thanks in advance and have fun with it,
>	Joey
>Individual Network e.V.                _/                     OrgaTech
>joey@office.individual.net            _/              joey@orgatech.de
>Geschaeftszeit: Di+Mi+Fr, 15-18 Uhr  _/            Tel: (0441) 9808556
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